If you would like to stock up with groceries after leaving home, but before coming to the mountain, here are the places I recommend.
Places to shop nearest Wintergreen:
The Market at Wintergreen Resort – Located only 1.5 miles from our home, this is the closest grocery store only open until 5:30pm so plan ahead.
It has:
Do not plan to get meat, chicken etc… this is more grab and go or s’mores supplies!
Blue Ridge Grocery – Located at 2797 Rockfish Valley Hwy Nellysford, VA 22958, 12 miles from our house, about 20 minutes
This store is on the smaller side. It is a local store, not a grocery chain, so their choices are not extensive, but adequate. I only shop here if I have forgotten something and the Wintergreen Market does not carry it. I would rather shop in Waynesboro 30 minutes away!
On the way to Wintergreen
Martin’s Food – Located at 437 Tiffany Drive Waynesboro, VA 22980, 19 miles from our house, about 36 minutes. I stop here when I drive via I-81 and 1-64.
This is a huge store. It will have everything you will need!
Foods of All Nations – 2121 Ivy Road Charlottesville, VA 22903, 43 miles from our house, about 54 minutes
This is a good place to stop and shop if you are coming by way of Charlottesville. They have some unique items and a great wine selection. This is more of a Whole Foods experience, not Safeway. You will pay a bit of a premium. Stop at the gelato/coffee bar on your way in!